Tuesday 14 May 2013

River Irvine...a successful days fishing

I had to get a bit of fishing in today, Penwhapple was still on my mind. It was still windy, wet and cold but I had to get outdoors. Walking along the river bank my hands were feeling the cold and I do confess I was pondering my decision but as I was outside anyway, let's continue was the attitude. Glad I did as it turned out to be a cracker. The river was choppy but it looked as if some fish were rising to feed from the surface, the sand-martins were in the air so on with the dry flies. The right decision as within 20 minutes I had 2 brownie parr and one salmon parr on a small olive. I changed to an olive CDC and immediately took a better fish around 3/4lb - 1lb from mid river. Ignore the bit of paper at it's head. It went back to fight another day.

I could see bigger surface rings so hopefully bigger trout, but as always they were over the far bank and it was a long cast in this wind. However, I made it and on the 3rd down river drift, bang, I managed to get my best trout from the river this year, circa 1.5lb. Regrettably I could not take a photo as just as it was posing on the bank-side beside my rod, it did a major flip and slid back down to into the waters of the Irvine. It was going back anyway but the photo would have been evidence, a few curses were uttered.
Wildlife today, not much apart from the Sand Martins.I did see my 1st Swifts of the year, half a dozen flying high over the river for a few minutes taking the insects high up. Also, a beautiful mute swan came downriver at a cracking pace. Its wings were curved back and picture perfect. Not sure what the raised back wings signify but it was in a hurry. Huge forward propulsion from its webbed feet under water. A lovely sight. Another couple of brownie parr then the feeding was over. A very enjoyable couple of hours, surprising with the weather.

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