Saturday 31 March 2018

To Alhang and back

I woke up to a crisp clear sky morning and decided to complete my Glen Afton walks, best intentions but not fulfilled. A quick Met Office check showed good or very good visibility all day, fine. Targets Windy Standard and Alhang.
As I drove into Glen Afton the clouds were already very low covering most of Blackcraig Hill, not the best start.

Afton Dam
I parked at the last slot before the dam and walked up the OS marked track to the end of the reservoir. When I say track, once past the dam it is a full on building site road as they are levelling the last untouched section for construction.
The walk from car to cutting off to Alhang was 1.7miles and I lost count of the number of vehicles I had to stand aside for. To be fair nobody tried to chase me away and I got plenty of waves from the drivers for standing aside.
It is not just turbine construction but pylon construction as well so a hive of activity.

Firebreak track
Finally reached what is marked as a firebreak on the map, most trees cut down, but is a new track that leads to the marked Sheepfold alongside Afton Water. The objective still shrouded in mist but behind me blue skies, which would win, and it was bitterly cold.
I followed the farmers ATV track SE around Lagower Hill which led me all the way to Alwhat top.
Afton reservoir from Alwhat
There is a fence here and I was sure it was a case of following it SE but time for map and compass to confirm as no line of sight in this cloud.
Alhang ahead
Just as I started walking to my bearing the cloud lifted and now I could see the next summit ahead, Alhang. There is only 20 metres difference between Alwhat & Alhang, but I dropped about 80 metres to climb again, marshy but not too bad.
Afton reservoir from Alhang
I followed the fence to the top but soon realised the summit was over on the other side and back a bit. A clear track, soon found, led me to the small cluster of rocks, my first target.
Cairnsmore of Carsphairn
Really good views now over Carsphairn and Moorbrock Hill, basically everything south looked good.
As I stood and looked around, taking it all in, the magnitude of the active construction was mesmerising. Vehicles, people and cranes were moving all over in all directions. I hate the things but I can appreciate the employment and money to the economy.
However, as I looked to Windy Standard I realised that although getting there was ok my descent was going to be through many layers of active construction. Every hilltop seemed covered. I admit I lost heart. It can be left to another day, a few years away, when all this work is completed.

Sphagnum steps

I then had a very pleasant descent alongside the Afton Water. Rugged moorland but surprisingly little noise, only the odd sheep and raven, very tranquil indeed. Steps of vivid green sphagnum moss, the likes of which I have not seen before, invite you to step on them but only if you wanted a wet foot.
I came around the west side of Lagower Hill and arrived back at the sheepfold and then back to the car stepping aside for the many convoys.

Typical hilltop
When I was up last Sunday work was in progress but on this midweek day was on a different scale altogether.
There is a never a bad walk and this was fine. Shorter than intended but I will be back.

Time: 3hr 20
Ascent: 1313ft
Distance: 7.39m

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