Friday 30 October 2020

A grey day for another short Angus hill.....Monamenach

Hill: Monamenach (Middle Hill)

Type: Corbett

Height: 807m

For various reasons I had not walked high level hills for a few weeks but a day and a half of a possible weather window and I was off. Day 1 a Corbett and day 2 a couple of Munros. Taking into account travelling time this afternoons potential window was best suited to the Corbett and tomorrows potentially better full day the Munros.

It might have been a wet start when I left home but I was optimistic so enjoyed the drive, no rush, music on, enjoyed the moment.

Autumn colours at the start
As always things got even better when I hit Perthshire with the magnificent landscape in Autumn colours. Cross country is best to get the most out of this countryside so that is what I did. The River Tay was in full speight and overflowing its banks everywhere I spotted it so not surprising that no anglers were seen although the season might just have finished.  

After passing through Blairgowrie I was in my element as I love the twists and turns of the road to Glenshee, sadly the higher tops around were under cloud. Care taken as most trees shedding their leaves big style, wet and slippery. 

Monamenach up there in the cloud
I constantly rave about the beauty of the Angus glens and today it was the turn of Glen Isla. No wonder, a stunning short drive even under a grey sky. But it was the landscape where the colour was the trees, bushes and bracken lit up my trip.

I expected to be the only person here today but the small parking area at the head of the glen was almost full. After a few manoeuvres I just squeezed in and avoided going into the River Isla.

For the walk itself there is not a lot to say about one of the easiest Corbetts there is to bag. In the 1st couple of hundred metres I had a spotted a red squirrel, a pair of ravens and a buzzard, a good start.

Basic track
After the estate buildings simply follow a well made steep estate track to the bealach between Monamenach and Creagan Caise. An estate vehicle had gone up just before I did and about two thirds of the way up I heard a single shot ring out. Unusual to hear just one, grouse would normally be both barrels, was it the buzzard I wondered? Raptors sadly do go 'missing' on these estates. 

At the bealach the vehicle was parked, windows open, no occupants. I was turning off to follow a faint but steep and wet grassy track up to the top when I was immediately aware of the roaring stags. The rut was still on. What a sound. I was stopping every so often to get my breath back, my lay off had taken a toll on my condition. But I was also hearing more and more stags, some sounded very close others over the glen towards Duchary Hill. 

Shooter and spotter
I did spot two figures on top of Creagan Caise, the shooters, yes one with a large rifle and the other with the binoculars.

The cairn spotted through the gloom
The cloud descended as light rain came on and before long I spotted the cairn in the distance. Small but distinctive as it has a piece of the fence stuck into it. 

View back lol
I did a pirouette imagining the super views of the Glenshee hills, Mayar & Dreish and many more, but not in my vision today.

Descent, the stalkers were on the opposite ridge
Back down the same route accompanied by the roaring stags echoing round the mountains. I sprung a red grouse, the only one spotted, the rest wise to hunker down in this weather. The rain got solid, so much for the forecast, waterproofs on. Passed the vehicle no doubt very wet inside with those windows open.

Glen Isla

As I descended I was now out of the cloud with great views back up Glen Isla. I spotted a figure coming up the track, moving fast was it a runner? Nope it was a biker but seemed to be going well. As he neared it was an old guy but the MTB was electric, a great help he shouted as he went passed, legs still going like the clappers. Made me smile and also reflect, maybe time to get one of those.

Back at the parking area and all the other cars had gone. It was only 2pm and I had not seen them, mystery walkers.

River Isla at the parking area
As I got changed and ate my apple I was looking at the River Isla, not swollen at all, a good fishing height, when a salmon came to the surface twice. Very coloured, no bar of silver this one, a long term river resident probably with only days to live. Sad but exciting to see. 

Still great to be out and about in these problematic times.

Ascent: 460m

Distance: 5.6km

Time: 1.53

Wildlife: Red squirrel; Red grouse; Raven; Wren; Pheasant; Red deer rut (noise); Salmon

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