Thursday 29 October 2020

Another quick Borders raid but sucks I missed one.....Dollar Law & Greenside Law

Hill: Dollar Law (High Meadow)(817m) & Greenside Law (Hill with the green side) (643m)

Type: Donald x 2

What with the never-ending bloody Chinese Covid plague as well as seemingly endless low pressure weather fronts assaulting us, throw in the shorter days and I feel a darkness coming on. This week threw up 1 possible walking day, forecast suggested it would not be perfect but I decided go for it.

North or south decision. The SE looked the best bet so I opted to tick off another couple of Border Donalds. I love these rolling hills and hoped for some views but on the drive down this seemed overly optimistic, low grey clouds and rain.

As I got ready at Cramalt I actually spotted a small section of blue sky!! 

Excellent track up a beautiful setting
Dollar Law can be tackled from a few directions but looking at the map I reckoned the Thieves Road going through to Drumelzier would provide a straightforward track for a large section of the ascent and weather permitting I could tag another awkward Donald, Greenside Law.

The track proved as straightforward as I hoped an excellent gradient and beautiful surroundings. The only downside was that the route which followed the Cramalt Burn, was hemmed in by nearside hills and the wind funnelled down right into me and it was strong. So harder going than expected.

Dollar Law directly ahead
Just before the bealach I needed to go cross country as the track turned towards Cramalt Craig, not the direction I wanted. A short boggy crossing avoiding the hags and I found an ATV track which I reckoned would take me to Dollar Law. Indeed it did. A straightforward wet grassy track but the wind was now upping its strength and the clouds were lowering. 

Bright green in Manor valley
Excellent views down to the Manor valley, Black law on the right of the view and the Dun Rig Peebles circuit at the back. 

Dollar Law trig
Manfully struggled in the gale and on the trig which was reached after 90 minutes. But with this wind and smirry rain no place to linger. The cairn shelter was no use with this wind direction.

Broad Law through the clouds
I backtracked to where I joined the ATV track but then continued with it over the Donald top of Notman Law. 

Can now see the green side of the hill
Thankfully I was out of cloud and getting some good views of these great hills. Not totally without their dangers there is a huge deep sided Cleugh to be negotiated. Does not seem to have a name on my map but mightily impressive and a danger in poor visibility. Might be Sheilhope Head! 

Atmospheric view back to Dollar Law
Impressive views back down the Manor valley and over to Dollar Law.

I had dropped steeply from Notman Law, glad I wasn't ascending from this side. I could see that the reascent was not so severe, lungs were delighted. Still wet and boggy but the ATV lines made easier walking and soon I was on the non descript top. 

The top of Greenside Law looking over to Dollar Law
Had to check, yip I was on the highest point but not even a an old iron post, nor a couple of rocks, poor old Greenside Law just a place on a map but it is a Donald.

I changed my descent route as my planned option had many peat hags so I followed the fence down to where I anticipated re-joining the the right of way to Manor Head. I was going right angles to my planned route and as such I was looking across to a series of ups and downs that I thought contained a couple of Donalds which I would tackle from the Peebles side. The nearest one looked easy from here but when I checked the SMC book later I cursed that this was Black Law, the only Donald as the others are simply tops. What a plonker, still an excuse to come back.

Huge path marker cairn, Black Law behind
I had kept going but felt peckish and as I undid my rucksack a mountain hare leapt out from where I was going to sit. Delighted as I don't think I have seen one in these hills before. Off it shot up the hill into the heather. Interestingly it was a greyish blue, winter coat appearing and no snow. Maybe it senses what is coming.

Followed the track back to the reservoir where I then had an aching limbs tarmac walk back to the car.

Glad to see the car
Overall another excellent short walk in these stunning border hills. 

Ascent: 715m

Distance: 16k

Time: 3.51

Wildlife: Mountain hare; Kestrel; Raven; Red Grouse; Pheasant; Fieldfare

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