Sunday 28 March 2021

Glengap Hill recce

Hill: Glengap

Type: N/a

Height: Circa 500m

I decided to recce a portion of the walk I am leading on Sunday for Ayr & District particularly checking out the burn crossing which can be an issue if in full flow.

Forecast was not great as we are experiencing a westerly weather front, strong winds, low cloud and rain and yes I got all three.

As I drove past Shalloch you could barely see the start for the expected low cloud but when I reached my start it was brightening up to the west, brief optimism.

As stated I was not doing the full walk just checking the burn. 

I walked the road section down to Witches Bridge. Looking across to Glengap was disappearing in new cloud which was being blown from the SE not the expected direction.

Looking down I love a meandering burn and this does not disappoint. Additionally the huge sheep pen is an indicator of just how many sheep grazed these hills in the past but a lot less now. The pen is so large and established it shows on the OS maps.

A splashy walk down to the burn and as expected it was an easy crossing after the recent dry spell. But the crossing I needed to check, same burn, was the other side of Glenap hill.  A tramp over the rough terrain and yip will be fine.

Just in case the clouds were low again on Sunday I decided to return via Glengap itself to further the recce.

This hill is not big but it is a steep little beggar particularly with yesterdays near 800m in my legs. I ascended with plenty of short sections and lots of breathers. My calves were burning and my breathing not much better, still well short of where I want to be.

As expected about two thirds up I entered the cloud and no more views. So I looked back and the ground looked far away, confirmation it was a tough wee climb.

Once it plateaued at the top the ground was rough but surprisingly dry. There was a lot of fox scat and I came across a sheep carcase the bones well spread out. I imagine a sheep will keep the scavengers in feed for many weeks.

There was very low forward visibility so just stuck to a pre planned bearing which eventually took me to Rowantree hill.

I was looking for an ATV track in the wet moor grass and found a faint one. Still no visible reference so I followed it but realised quickly it was not quite the right direction. No big deal as I could come off the hill at any point but I wanted to find the ATV stone track.

After wandering in what I thought was correct a pile of stones loomed out of the gloom, the new track. Didn't need to find it but glad I persevered.

A good short exercise to continue building hill fitness and hopefully the weather might be more favourable for the full walk at the weekend. 

Ascent: 349m

Distance: 5.5km

Time: 1.52

Wildlife: Raven; Meadow Pipit

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