Tuesday 24 March 2020

111 not out but might be stumped for a while. Craiglee Glentrool

Hill: Craiglee…..Galloway
Category: Sub2K
Height: 531m
Another day to get out for a ramble on the hills and enjoy some normality. I headed back down to Galloway for another new Sub2k. Craiglee lies at the head of Glen Trool which itself is at the heart of the Galloway Forest Park. 

The Bruces stone at Glentrool
I used the same parking area as for The Merrick but after Bruces Stone I headed along the Southern Upland Way for rather a long way. It is always disconcerting to start a hill walk by heading steeply downhill as you know what’s waiting for you at the end.
Glad I did not have to step across the burn
It was an hours walk from the car along the SUW hemmed in by the Galloway landscape, uncompromising shades of brown today.
Oak trees and Curlywee far ahead I had to go that far
Ahead a cloud descended over Curlywee and when it quickly lifted it had left a light dusting of snow. It was indeed cold and windy. Still an enjoyable walk as this section of the SUW was new to me.
Craiglee trig visible top left
Finally I arrived at gate with the style to the side. This is clearly a gate where the coos like to stand alongside waiting for the farmer and grub. It was slightly soft today but jumping across the protruding tussocks made it manageable. The coos have not been here for some time. At other times of the year I can see that this would be coo quagmire, good luck then.
Straight ahead I could see the trig in the distance but I knew from walking reports that I had about an hour of classic pathless Galloway tussock terrain to endure to get there. That prediction of an hour was almost spot on.

These slabs are made for walking
Walking on this awkward terrain I pick a rock or some other spot, not too far away and make that my objective and keep repeating this to achieve small self pats on the bag. Keeps the motivation going and the slog in this terrain seems shorter.
The coos helped in some ways as they had created paths here and there. The problem being the soft ground and their not insignificant weight meant plenty of big muddy holes around. My god how deep they went in at times.
About half way up there were lateral lines of rock protruding which was a welcome relief to walk along, made it easier instead of the hard work in the tussocks.

Solid wall ahead just pick your way up with care
After these short sections some light clambering up grassy escarpments to get to the top. Unbelievably, even on these steep sections, huge coo hooves had churned it up. Coos can climb!
For the last third I had been leeside of the wind but boy that changed at the trig, it was blowing a hoolie and Baltic cold.
Excellent views all around. Curlywee and Lamachan Hill to one side. 

Curlywee pointed bit and Lamachan Hill flat bit
The Merrick very close on the other. Loch Dee below is meant to be one of Scotlands best hidden trout waters, well the day we were there the trout were well hidden. Beautiful surroundings though.
Looking back to start of walk at Glen Trool
A few steps down out of the wind for a snack and enjoy the view. This is one rugged landscape. You have to work harder to appreciate the beauty but it is undoubtedly there. Wild and remote just what I wanted.
On the descent Curlywee still to bag this might be the way
Back down the same way and shortly after rejoining the SUW I spotted some movement on the flanks of Lamachan. Wild mountain goats. 
Nice horns
I had a very brief glimpse last year but they were in no rush today grazing away. Surprisingly on the way back I saw three more different groups in different areas, al least 20 goats in total, that surely made my day. Just that last slog uphill left.
Another pair
That was my 111th Sub2k, a number unlucky to Australian cricketers but not for me today. Unless the government make us stay at home which if that happens this number will not rise for a while!!

Wildlife: Mountain Goats; Raven (pair); Carrion Crow; Great Tit; Long Tailed Tit (a group); Chaffinch; Meadow Pipit; Caterpillar same as the other day.
Time: 4.10
Ascent: ft (683m)
Distance: m (14.7km)

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