Friday 19 June 2020

Life or death on Bogrie Hill

Hill: Bogrie Hill
Category: Sub2k
Height: 432m
Another Covid, outing picked for ease and hopefully isolation, a dead easy little hill with the bonus of excellent views.
I am getting well used to these minor roads in the middle of nowhere but a delightful drive so long as you do not meet something coming the other way, few passing places.
I parked up just after a cattle grid beside an obvious ATV track going up the hill before the normal start at Shillingland.
Camera has flattened the view from the start
To one side the ferns were thick and tall, not for me, so I wandered up through some open sheep fields. Thankfully the stone dykes were in disrepair so no climbing involved.
I noticed there were plenty of coo pats, most old but some looked fresh so the ascent involved keeping a lookout in case there were coos and calves around. Closely looking into the deep ferns, from previous experience a good hiding ambush spot for cattle.
Loch Urr and building clouds
I was still breathing deeply, not yet got my full walking fitness yet. Plenty of bike and jogging fitness but the hills are different.
Still I followed the ATV track to where it levels out at the top of the hill, near the trig, when I had the life or death incident. I could see the leg of a sheep swaying gently in the heather just off track, a dead one should be stiff so intrigued I went over. It was alive and on its back with its head in a separate hole. The kicking legs trying to do me in as I helped it suggested it still had strength. 
Rescue Sheep
After a couple of attempts I managed to get it out of the hollow. It wouldn’t stand up and had a nasty weal on its back with its struggles.
Trig on the horizon
The trig was not far away so I headed to it and had a look around. Surprisingly good views but it is a stand alone hill. 
Cairnsmore of Fleet in distance
It was hazy but could still see Cairnsmore of Fleet and the Solway. Looking over Loch Urr and the Wether Hill wind farm in the distance stands Cairnsmore of Carsphairn. I suspect Cairnsmore of Dee is also in view but cannot confirm for sure.
Looking back it had not moved and seemed to be more on its side but nothing else I can do.
Spotted the car homeward bound
Headed back down the same way and surprised to see a couple walking up. A brief social distance chat and back down to the car.
A short but enjoyable walk, another tick and great views on a nice day.

Wildlife: Buzzard; Wheatear; Skylark; Vole.

Time: 1.01
Ascent: 221m
Distance: 3.5k

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