Friday 24 June 2022

It was a breeze to Windy Hill

Hill: Windy Hill

Type: Sub2k

Height: 278m

I felt like something different to the big hill slog, my enthusiasm is lessening for these. So nothing better than a ferry trip and a short but remote hill walk.

Stunning station

I had not been on the Bute ferry for probably 20 years. That was a cycling trip as I am certain that I have not walked on it before. The station/ferry is one of the best looking in Scotland. There is nothing like a ferry journey to start the day with anticipation and this did not disappoint particularly as I had a close up of my first porpoise of the year. It was going the opposite direction to the ferry so although I got an excellent sighting no chance for a camera snap, seen and gone. Never mind the excellent scenery that was the ferry highlight. 

Once off the boat there is a long tarmac walk to Kames Bay. But not an issue as it is all reminiscing. Zavaroni's Chippie, remember Lina lol? magnificent stone mansions and a motorway wide promenade.

Heading up the bown moor at the back

The cut off is easy to miss as the West Island Way has the option of continuing along the coast or as I wanted the inland route. 

Watch oot for the coos after this
A steep zig zag farm track leads onto the moor. I can imagine that this section can be a real bogfest at times. There were old cow pats around but thankfully no live ones.

Soon the dense gorse breaks onto open moorland. In good weather no issue as there are some posts dotted around to guide you. As always in bad weather iot could be a tad harder.

Not a lot to say other than a pleasant moorland ramble with lots of ups and downs so you do more ascending than you might initially think. Still as I wandered along there were great views over the Cowal hills to keep me interested.

Off Piste
At some point you have to leave the track and take to the moor to get to Windy Hill. It is rough moor with trenches dug, presumably for future tree planting, which makes it slightly more difficult. It is a bog moor so plenty of places to get your boots covered in gloop.


Cowal hills
The trig is a really good viewpoint but today the haze limited it considerably. If you were here on a crisp winters day I reckon it could be special for the minimal effort to get here. Arran, the Paps of Jura, Arrochar hills as well as the local Cowal hills.

1st ever Green Hairstreak

Meadow Pipit

Back down to Rothesay
Returned the same way but at a quicker pace to catch the earlier ferry, just made it. A really good short ramble, glad I chose it.

Ascent: 412m

Distance: 17.7km

Time: 4.04

Wildlife: Porpoise; Skylark; Raven; Meadow Pipit; Eider; Blue Tit; Black Guilemot; 

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