Friday 24 June 2022

The birds might be timid but the weather was not.....Beinn Enaiglair

 Hill: Beinn Enaiglair (Hill of the timid birds)

Type: Corbett

Height: 890m

A day out with the ADRC at their away week in Ullapool.

Forecast for the morning was grim and it turned out accurate. It was then meant to improve after lunch, inaccurate.

Cloud very low at the start
We followed the normal anti-clockwise circuit which involved a long moorland walk before contouring the Corbett on stalker tracks, which were wet but in good order. 

Despite the WH description there thankfully was a gate at the deer fence. Home Loch looks a nice fishing spot.

We started in light rain which moved to heavy rain for long spells. The winds at times were ferocious making walking pretty arduous when it was at full blast, less so when leeward. It got pretty dammed cold, under freezing point with the wind chill factor, as we gained height near the summit. The clouds had lowered so visibility was minimal for much of the time. No photos for a large section. In the gloor until we had almost descended the ridge and met up with the stalkers path again near Loch Feith nan Cleirieach.

Hat boulder

Track goes round the flanks

On the ascent we had a short food break sheltered behind the enormous boulder of Clach n h-Aide - the hat-shaped rock. Nice to get out of the wind. After that you could have been anywhere in the clouds.

They say the stand alone hill gives superb views, it can be seen on You Tube, but for us we could have been on any hill top at any height.

A view at last

Graham on the left
We had considered adding on the nearby Graham but the walk had been long enough.

Quite a bleak review but it was actually a good walk for much of it. That is down to the group dynamics, friendly and good banter despite the poor conditions. Navigation was shared with Liz and Gordon which was really helpful on a day like this. When visibility is so poor more heads were better than one.

Still, we did come across the timid birds that the hill is named after. Indeed one of the party almost stood on a Ptarmigan nest. Its owner did protest.

At least rain leads to a nice waterfall

Finally heading home
The clouds lifted enough to give us some views for the walkout but the weather never really improved beyond grey and damp. A poor weather day for the end of May.

Still another blue marker and a good time with friends. But I want blue skies and warmth.

Ascent: 754m

Distance: 16.4km

Time: 6,07

Wildlife: Meadow Pipit; Snipe; Ptarmigan; Red Grouse; Common Frog, Curlew

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