Tuesday 28 December 2021

Short with a Sweet Viewpoint.....Glas Bheinn

Hill: Glas Bheinn (Rannoch) 

Type: Sub2k

Height: 501m

I had climbed its partner a couple of years ago so it was time to get this off the list. I was going to do the double before but heavy rain made me skip this one. Guess what forecast was for today, heavy rain possibly thunder.

From start Glas Bheinn high point on left
There was a slight drizzle when I started but hopefully be up and down this quickie. My legs were still very stiff so this short one would be enough for today.

I found the path which easily took me to the deer fence which I intended to follow to its highest point. I knew the terrain would be pretty boggy and indeed it was. The grass was slightly flattened by previous walkers.

As I neared the fence end I spotted an ATV track that had flattened some grass. Excellent as I thought I was full on cross country from here. This is red deer land so I presume it was a rare stalker incursion.

Rather than heading for the top directly this approach took me to the lowest point of the ridge. 

Pause for the view
Fine with that as the top walk gave me the views I wanted. Plenty of red deer droppings but no sign of them, the wind was in my favour but no luck.

Finally reached the cairn(s) the diddy one is the real top. Despite being a short hill I knew the views would be impressive and despite the dreichness they were still plenty good. Need to do this on a blue sky winters day when they would be awesome.

Loch Ba

Black Mount Munros with Meall Mor in foreground

Rannoch moor spread out in front with its multiple water sources, the largest Loch Ba, feeding into the distant Loch Rannoch. Behind me 5 mighty Bridge of Orchy Munros. In front the Black Mount Munros with Etive and Glencoe hills in the greyness. This is some viewpoint for no effort.

Back along the ridge Tyndrum hills in distance

Descent back to A82
Took the same route back with the exception of following the ATV track all the way. A very short walk but well worth it. Once again a wee sub2k delivers.

Ascent: 210m

Distance: 3.3km

Time: 1.01

Wildlife: Red Grouse; Meadow Pipit

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